Candidate Name
Campaign Contact
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Does your campaign website have a dedicated area where voters can review your plans for prioritizing children and families in federal policy and budget decisions?
If yes, please link to that section here:
If no, please briefly describe your plan here:
Despite recent economic gains and low unemployment, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that 16.2 percent of U.S. children were living in poverty in 2018, a rate 50 percent higher than that of adults. If elected, how will your office work to address child poverty within the next decade?
We have a plan to address child poverty — and it's on our website.
We have a plan to address child poverty — but it's not on our website.
We don't have a plan yet.
Please provide a direct link to that plan here:
Please describe your plan here:
Will this issue be a priority for your campaign in the future — why or why not?
In 2018, 425,000 children lost health insurance, a 10% increase that reversed two decades of progress on children’s health. Children who are uninsured miss more school, while their parents may miss more work. These kids may have lower educational outcomes and earn less money as young adults. If elected, what will your office do to protect Medicaid and CHIP for children and to ensure all eligible children are enrolled?
We have a plan to address children's health — and it's on our website.
We have a plan to address children's health — but it's not on our website.
We don't have a plan yet.
Please provide a direct link to that plan here:
Please describe your plan here:
Will this issue be a priority for your campaign in the future — why or why not?
From birth to age three, a child’s brain makes more than one million neural connections every second. High-quality child care and early education programs support healthy development during these critical years and promote lifelong success for this next generation. These programs also allow parents to work or attend school, act as economic drivers in their communities, and employ more than one million workers nationwide. If elected, how will your office work to expand access to affordable, high-quality early childhood programs?
We have a plan for early childhood programs — and it's on our website.
We have a plan for early childhood programs — but it's not on our website.
We don't have a plan yet.
Please link to that plan here:
Please describe your plan here:
Will this issue be a priority for your campaign in the future — why or why not?
Recent immigration policies have separated families, detained children in inadequate facilities, and held them for longer periods of time than allowed by law. Doctors, social workers and psychologists agree that these actions have lifelong negative impacts on the children who experience them. If elected, how will your office ensure that U.S. immigration policies promote the safety, health and well-being of all children?
We have a plan to address the well-being of children in our immigration policies — and it's on our website.
We have a plan to address the well-being of children in our immigration policies — but it's not on our website.
We don't have a plan yet.
Please link to that plan here:
Please describe your plan here:
Will this issue be a priority for your campaign in the future — why or why not?
In its 13th annual Children’s Budget Book, First Focus on Children reports that the share of federal spending on children has declined steadily since 2015 and hit an all-time low in 2019 of just 7.2 percent. This year also marked the first time in history that the United States is spending more to service the national debt than it is on the children who will inherit it. If elected, how will your office work to increase investment in children so they receive their fair share of the federal budget?
We have a plan to address federal spending on children — and it's on our website.
We have a plan to address federal spending on children — but it's not on our website.
We don't have a plan yet.
Please link to that plan here:
Please describe your plan here:
Will this issue be a priority for your campaign in the future — why or why not?
Should be Empty: