Young Writers Community Sign-Up
Our young writers community is open to anyone aged 15 to 25 who is interested in writing for Australian Catholics magazine, as well as parents and teachers of young writers. Please complete the details below to sign up for our community. Members will receive emails through the year with writing opportunities for Australian Catholics and other Jesuit publications. You can opt out of the email list at any time by responding to the email, or contacting us at PLEASE NOTE: It is a requirement of the Australian Jesuit Province that we copy in parents or guardians on any email to people under the age of 18. Those in this age group must provide a parent/guardian contact who will also be included on emails to them.
School name
Please select one
Young writer
Parent of young writer
Teacher of young writers
Parent/guardian contact name (required if under 18)
Relationship to young person
Parent/guardian email
Should be Empty: