Board Member Application
To apply to be a board member or if you are interested in service opportunities fill out the form below!
First Name
Last Name
Cellular Number
Area Code
Phone Number
High School/University
Please answer the following questions thoughtfully
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
How did you learn about this potential opportunity?
Why would you like to become a board member or engage in service with Triangle Smiles?
Why do you think you are qualified for the position?
Please offer our team insight into your personal strengths and weaknesses.
Please provide us with any prior experience you may have working with Non-profits and community service.
What other activities are you involved in? How many hours a week do you spend in your other activities? Please explain any leadership positions you have held. Ex) class president, club officer, varsity athlete/captain, etc.
What Board Positions in Triangle Smiles pique your interests or what service are you interested in?
Use this space to provide our team with any other information you would enjoy informing us about.
Thank you for taking the time to apply!
We will contact you promptly with our response!
Apply for Membership
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