I declare that the information provided is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and is voluntarily submitted for the purpose of receiving telephone service in Cordova.
I hereby agree to pay all service charges, toll charges and monthly charges as set forth in the Cooperative's tariff. I understand that CTC mails the billing for this service between the first and the fifth of every month and that payment must be received in full by the 20th of each month. Failure to pay by this date will result in written notice of past due status and will subject my account to suspension if not paid in ten days. Service, if suspended, will not be restored until full payment plus a $25 reconnect charge is received.
Should I fail to make complete payment for services rendered after disconnection of my service, I understand that CTC will have the right to pursue collection against me. I agree to pay all reasonable costs incurred in the collection process as well as any applicable interest due as set forth in the Cooperative's tariff.
I understand that the deposits required are separate from my monthly billing and that CTC will hold any said deposits until such time as follows:
1. Instrument Deposit: Until instrument is returned.
2. Security Deposit: 60 days following termination of service or upon establishment of two (2) years of continuous good credit with no more than two (2) disconnect notices.
I hereby certify that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and agree to abide by the bylaws of this Cooperative. I have read the above information and understand that this application for service becomes that property of the Cooperative and is not to be used for any other purpose than in connection with my account.