Baby Dedication Request Form
Your Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
How many children?
Parents Full Names:
Child/Children Full Name:
Age of child:
God Parent(s) Names:
Frequently Asked Questions About Baby Dedication:Is there an age limit for a child to take part in a dedication service?Our primary focus is on children age 4 and under.Can a single parent participate in a baby dedication service?Yes. We want to do all we can to encourage your walk with Christ. Single parenting is double duty in child rearing. As a church family, we desire to be part of your extended family. We hope to provide compassionate support, spiritual growth, and a variety of ministries to enable you to succeed in parenting your child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.Can the biological parents participate in a baby dedication service if they are not married?No. While we honor the life of each child and encourage parents married and unmarried to embrace the importance of spiritual commitment for children, a baby dedication service is intended to reflect the teaching of Scripture on family life. Understanding the sacred honor of marriage as presented in God s Word, we believe every public act of worship is to conform to His standards. To fail to recognize and honor the specific teaching of Scripture on matters of family life would violate the integrity of our church and the Savior we serve. For those who are unmarried or living together, taking steps to acknowledge and surrender to God s plan for their individual lives would take precedence over participation in a baby dedication service.Do you provide reserved seating for grandparents and extended family?Yes. We would not want your family to miss this important event in your life. Photos are allowed. INITIAL BELOW
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