It is mandated that companies, as part of all pre-employment driver investigation as of January 2020, must conduct a "query" in the FMCSA Clearinghouse to determine wether the driver the Comapny seeks to hire is prohibited from driving a CDL. Also, at least annually for every CDL driver employed by the company, a query must be run.
A query is an electronic check in the Clearinghouse, conducted by an employer or their Consortium/Third Party Administrator, to determine if current or proscpective employees are prohibited from performing safety-sensitive functions, such as operating a CMV, due to unresolved drug and alcohol program violations.
There are two types of queries, limited queries (which satisfy the annual query requirement) and full queries (which include all pre-employment queries). All queries require driver consent.
The FMCSA cost for pre-purchasing one limited query is $1.25. The FMCSA also has query plans, if your Company anticipates conducting more than 100 queries in one year.
Work Well can use one of your ompany's pre-purched queries to conduct a query for the company. Work Well charges $2.00 each to run the query, using a pre-purchased query from your Company. We will then provide your Company a printed report, which is also stored in your Company's FMCSA Clearinghouse portal.