Permanent Make-up
Permanent make-up is a form of tattoo. It uses a hand tool or machine to insert pigment under the skin. Although the pigment is inserted in the upper layer of the dermis, it is permanent. It does fade with time.
In order to remove ink from under the skin, it maybe removed using a laser or surgical procedure.
There can be pain even after the topical anesthetic has been used. Anesthetics work better on some people than others.
Although infections maybe rare. In a the case there is a suspician of infection, you should see your primary care doctor.
Redness, Swelling & bruising
Redness, swelling and bruising may occur. Any redness, swelling and brusing should typically disappear 1 - 5 days. You may apply ice pack to the area to help with the swelling and bruising. Please follow the instructions on the ice pack.
Some people may not have any redness, swelling, and/or bruising.
Topical anestheics is used to numb the area serviced. Topical anesthetics come in either cream or gel form. Lidocaine, Prilocaine, Benzocaine, Tetracaine, and Epinephrine are ingredients in these topical anesthetics.
If you are allergic to any of these, INFORM ME IMMEDIATELY.
Every effort will be made to avoid asymmetry but our faces are not symmetrical.
Before starting the procedure, the service you recieve will be mapped out. You will approve the shape before the service begins.
Uneven pigmentation
You may experience uneven pigmentation during your healing phase. This may be from the anatomy of how your skin heals,
Eyebrow Services
As your eyebrow heals, it may shrink up to 20-30 % in size. The color may fade up 30 - 40 %.
Eyeliner Services
As your eyeliner heals, it may shrink up to 40% in size. The color may fade up 30%.
Lip Services
If you are prone to cold sores or fever blisters, there is a high possiblity that you will get them. It is recommended that you call your doctor for an antiviral presciptioin to help prevent this from occuring.
As it heals, the color can fade up to 40%. There is a possiblity of shrinkage up to 20 - 30 %.
Allergic Reaction
There is a small possiblity of an allergic reaction. You have a choice to do a patch test a week prior to your appointment.
A reaction can occur at anytime in your life even if there is no reaction to the patch test.