Youth Members Ages: 8yrs to 17yrs Fee: $20.00/YearYoung Adult Members Ages: 18yrs to 21yrs Fee: $35.00/YearAdult Members Ages 22yrs to 59yrs Fee: $75.00/Year
How many are in your household? * (Include Yourself)
Police Athletic League Insurance Waiver
The Police Athletic League of Atlantic City, Inc. does not provide insurance coverage to adult members, only to the youth members who participate in the PAL programs.Any adult who work out or is involved in any sports activity while at the PAL building must submit any and all claims to their own private insurance carrier.Any injury suffered while here in the PAL building must be brought to the attention of any Recreation Supervisor on either the second or third floors that verification of facts can be made.Any adult participant in the PAL boxing program can register with Mid-Atlantic/USA Boxing Organization and this will give that member insurance coverage while participating in the sanctioned boxing events.Any question regarding coverage and/ or claims should be directed to the Executive Director's office.
General Waiver
I have read the above information and understand the insurance coverage and I will not hold the Police Athletic League Inc., It's Executive Director, Board of Directors or any such person or persons acting as an agent of the same, liable for any such injuries suffered by me while participating at PAL.I further give the PAL of Atlantic City permission to use my image albeit to print, video, slide show, or website to promote PAL of Atlantic City and/or its' programing. I will not hold PAL of Atlantic City responsible for any reproduction or any other form of use not intended for PAL of Atlantic City purposes.By initialing the following box [ ] opt out of this provision and do not want or givepermission to have my image used.The Police Athletic League of Atlantic City reserves the right to reject any application it deems untruthful or has invalid information. Also, if there are any ongoing disciplinary problems we have the right to revoke membership. All members must abide all rules and regulations.I further understand and agree that I am responsible for any medical bills incurred because of accidents or injuries.I, the signee or signee of my child, hereby participate in the Police Athletic League of Atlantic City, Inc. activities and further do hereby release the City of Atlantic City, Police Athletic League Organization, its' Executive Director, Board of Directors or City Officials/Coaches or representatives of the organization whether being paid or volunteers from all liabilities for personal injury or property damages resulting for his/her participation in any or all Police Athletic League activities in which he or she may take part.
I have read the Insurance Waiver/General Waiver and do understand and agree to comply with all aspects of this document.
In case of Emergency Contact
Relationship: *