Did you know that signing a pledge helps you stick to your commitment of accomplishing that pledge goal? Consider signing the pledge to help support the big cats.
There are seven large bodied cats that roam the earth with us. These cats are the tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars, pumas, cheetahs, and snow leopards. These cats are all umbrella species, meaning by helping them and their habitat you in turn are helping hundreds of other plant and animal species.
Unfortunately these beautiful animals face some big threats. They have human-big cat conflicts consisting of poaching, habitat loss, prey loss, climate change, and the illegal wildlife trade. Within these main threats are several other issues that tie into the main threat. The sad truth is that humans are behind all of these threats, so it is up to us to help protect them from ourselves.
This promise to support the big cats will give you a voice to speak up on their behalf.
Visit our website, Big Cat Conservation, to learn more about what you can do to help the big cats.