Infant Toddler Slots Non-Payment Contract
The Learning Center
Name of Child:
Date of Enrollment:
Fee Agreement per/week
Other Children enrolled:
Program Requirements:
Childcare may not exceed 10 hours per day
Every child must be signed into their classrooms by 9:30 a.m. Your child will not be accepted into the classroom after 9:30 a.m. unless you have a doctor's note. The Director can make exceptions in extreme cases.
Late fees: $1.00 per minute past 6:00 p.m. per child. After 6:15, the rate doubles to $2.00 per minute. If it reached 7:00 and we have been unable to contact anyone on your child's Emergency Card, we will need to contact the local police to help find the parent or a family member.
After SIX (6) documented late pick-up or arrivals, you will be dismissed from the program (two-week notice).
Cash limit is $20. Automatic bank drafts, credit/debit cards, checks, and money orders are accepted.
6 months before your child's third birthday, you will be provided a Pre-K Intent form to decide which program will be best for your 3-year old and which funding source will be available for your child. Should you want to be considered for CCW, you will need to submit a re-determination application to the ELRC. You may also apply for Pre-K Counts, which is a two-year program. Your child must be 3 before Sept. 1 to be eligible for Pre-K Counts.
Families that are 100% of FPL or below are eligible for the Head Start program and can apply for Head Start at 610-437-6000. All families are informed of their eligibility for Head Start.
Attendance and continuity are important for the Infant-Toddler program. Absences should not exceed 40 days in a year or your participation in the program may be redetermined.
Program Includes:
Developmentally appropriate and individualized child care
Meals (***Infant formula, juice, and foods must be documented on Infant CACFP Enrollment Form as to whether the parent or center will provide these tiems.) We provide breakfast, lunch and a PM snack.
Child’s Weekly Schedule Child’s Weekly Schedule
Monday Arrival
Monday Pick Up
Tuesday Arrival
Tuesday Pick Up
Wednesday Arrival
Wednesday Pick Up
Thursday Arrival
Thursday Pick Up
Friday Arrival
Friday Pick Up
Arrival Notes
Pick Up Notes
Contract Conditions
I agree to pay for child care services after 6:00 p.m., $1 per minute and doubles after 6:15 p.m. If I am past due on my account on the Monday of the week for care, child care services will be interrupted for my child until payment is made.
The Learning Center will be closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, President Holiday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day & Day After, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day. (additional closed days, such as in-service days, with one month's notice from The Learning Center)
I understand that I must give two weeks written notice prior to withdrawing my child from The Learning Center
I agree to give a one week written notice for a requested vacation week.
I will provide a doctor's note for more than 2 consecutive absences.
Absences should not exceed 40 days in a year in collaboration with the CCW program.
I, the parent / guardian I, the parent / guardian
Agree to the conditions of this contract. .
Received complete written program information at the time of enrollment. (DHS regulation 3207.121b)
Agree to update the emergency contact / parental consent form information whenever changes occur or every 6 months at a minimum (DHS regulation 2370.124f)
Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
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