*The following describes the different health classifications, which are indicators that help determine the underwriting criteria (health and living style) that you will need to satisfy to qualify for the calculated premium. Note that there is an example below:
Regular: indicates a rate for a person in normal health who does not have a medical condition or lifestyle condition that increases their risk of dying in the future.
Regular Plus: indicates a rate for an individual in somewhat better health than regular, but not what the life insurance industry typically refers to as “preferred health”. A company offering this premium also offers a regular health premium, which is less difficult to qualify for.
Preferred: indicates a rate for an individual in preferred health. A company offering this premium also offers a regular health premium, which is less difficult to qualify for.
Preferred Plus: indicates a rate for an individual in very preferred health. A company offering this premium also offers preferred and regular health premiums, which are less difficult to qualify for.
Example: A person who has high blood pressure may not qualify for Preferred Plus, Preferred or Regular Plus premium rates, but may qualify for Regular rates. A person who has a risky lifestyle (e.g. airline pilot) may not qualify for Preferred Plus or Preferred rates, depending on their health condition, but may qualify for Regular Plus or Regular rates. Please contact us for more details. Note that rates quoted for smokers take into account that the insured person smokes, and has a greater risk of death compared to non-smokers (i.e. rates offered to smokers are higher than those for non-smokers).