Code of Conduct
(parents, please review this code of conduct with your child)
To accomplish the purpose of children/youth ministry programs at St. Leo's Parish Community, everyone must agree to a “Code of Conduct.”
These guidelines are necessary to make participation enjoyable for all and to avoid problems. Participants have a responsibility to themselves and others to follow these guidelines:
Be Respectful and Safe. During childrens / youth ministry programs at St. Leo's Parish Community we expect to create an environment of safety and trust. The use of our bodies, language, and humor must always honor the dignity of every person. If you jeopardize the physical or emotional safety of yourself or the group, you choose to have a parent or guardian pick you up and take you home immediately.
Be Responsible and Honest. Participants are expected to be present at all activities on time and participate fully. Established guidelines will be observed at all times. We need to take care of the building and grounds. Any damage is to be reported immediately and involved persons are financially accountable. Emergencies that involve the health and well-being of people and/or property must be reported to staff and volunteers immediately.
The use of illegal drugs, including alcohol, or other illegal/harmful substances is not permitted. If you use these materials, you choose to have a parent or guardian pick you up and take you home immediately. Proper authorities will be notified. Do not bring clothing that advertises/promotes alcohol, tobacco or drug use or anything displaying messages that are offensive or contain sexual innuendo. These are contrary to the values of a Catholic children / youth ministry program.
Observe appropriate boundaries. All participants must stay in designated areas. Vehicles can only be used with specific permission from the director. For overnight retreats, males and females are lodged in areas with separate rooms. Participants do not enter each other’s rooms unless supervised by an adult. One of our goals is to relate with everyone present. If you engage in activities contrary to these guidelines or any activities that jeopardize your safety or the safety of the group, you choose to be removed from the activities. Your parent or guardian will be called to pick you up and take you home immediately.
Dress Code
In order to promote a safe, healthy and positive community experience the following dress code must be followed by all male and female participants and staff members. Shirts must be long enough to naturally touch the top of the lower garment, with arms raised. Shirts must cover the shoulders. All attire should be sized to fit without exposing undergarments, buttocks, stomachs or cleavage.
Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length when arms are resting at sides
No Spaghetti straps, tank tops, and halter tops or transparent/mesh clothing or shirts with revealing necklines or armholes
No clothing or accessories that promote drugs, alcohol or tobacco either by brand or message
No clothing or accessories with sexually suggestive language or messages or clothing or accessories that promote violence, criminal activity, intimidation or intolerance of others (based on religion, ethnicity, gender or lifestyle)
Modest swim suit appropriate for a Catholic children's and youth's retreat setting.
Masks may be asked to be worn while on campus or inside the building. If it is asked, parents and students will oblige.