Drink Order Form
First Name
Last Name
So we can plan for chairs - How many total people will be in room at 1 time? The largest possible group.
Please include everyone including paid vendors - The room can hold upto 25 people at one time or social distanced 16.
Please list the number of each item you'd like:
Please note: Some items are discounted beyond the prices within The Conservatory. Items will arrive and be placed between 1 and 130pm.
Bottled Water: $1 each (discounted)
How many would you like us to provide?
Lemonade: $8 Half Gallon (8 servings) - AE Lemonade with cups (ice on the side)
How many half gallons would you like us to provide?
Iced Tea: $8 Half Gallon (8 servings) with cups (ice/sugar on the side)
How many half gallons would you like us to provide?
OJ: $10 Half Gallon (8 to 10 servings) with cups (ice on the side)
How many half gallons would you like us to provide?
Champagne: $28 (6 to 8 servings with champagne glasses)
How many bottles would you like?
Red Wine: $25
White Wine: $25
Blue Moon Bottles: $5
Bud Light Bottles: $5
Do you have a special order? Please describe it here and we will work up a quote.
Should be Empty: