As the parent or legal guardian of {name} (hereinafter to as “she” or “her” or “he” or “his”), I hereby certify and affirm the following:
1. I am legally entitled to give consent for her/his participation in the #CAPSM program.
2. I acknowledge that she/he will be enrolled in 11th or 12th grade in good academic standing.
3. I am aware that upon application to the #CAPSM program, I must provide a copy of her/his most recent grade report.
4. I understand that her/his personal and private information will not be shared with any individuals, agencies or institutions without my written consent.
5. I understand that she/he will be involved with workshops and activities that seek to prepare her/him for the #CAPSM admissions process and #CAPSM which may also include community service and cultural enrichment activities.
6. I understand that it is my responsibility to make sure that she/he is present at all scheduled activities.
7. I authorize permission for her/him to attend all #CAPSM excursions that are off-site from the regular meeting place.
8. I understand that guests (i.e., younger siblings, friends, un-enrolled students) should not be brought to the meeting or activities without prior consent or knowledge of the #CAPSM program personnel.
9. I understand that her/his admission and participation in the program is voluntary and may be terminated by any party of this agreement at any time.
10. I authorize the #CAPSM program personnel to transport her/him (or arrange transportation) to a hospital or medical facility in the event that I cannot be reached and authorize consent to examination, care and treatment as deemed necessary by a licensed physician or dentist.
11. I understand that she/he may be photographed or videotaped during the program meetings and activities and give my consent for use of such images by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and the #CAPSM program personnel in print or electronic media used to promote the program.
12. I understand that as the parent or legal guardian, I may be called upon to attend a mandatory parental orientation, periodic meetings and program activities. In the event I cannot attend, I agree to send an adult representative in my place.
13. I relieve Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and #CAPSM program personnel from any liability that may arise during her/his involvement in the #CAPSM program meetings and activities.
14. I understand that this form will be kept on file by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and the #CAPSM program personnel.
15. Termination of a student’s involvement in #CAPSM will be in writing.
By affixing my signature below, I certify that I have read all of the above information and agree with the provisions and my role and responsibilities.