Welcome to the application form for Yesod Europe's Jewish Learning Fund. Yesod Europe wants to help you develop the confidence and ability to use Jewish language and values in your everyday work. We want to support you in expressing a clear Jewish purpose in your community role, as well as developing and supporting excellent Jewish educators in European communities. To achieve these goals, Yesod is committed to increasing access to Jewish learning opportunities.
You can apply for funds of a minimum of $250 (USD) up to a maximum of $2,500 (USD) in one of three different categories:
- One-to-one Jewish learning coach (Yesod can help identify a suitable coach)
- Small group Jewish learning with an instructor (Yesod can help identify a suitable instructor)
- Learning programs external to Yesod (including online courses of study, and short- and long-term immersive in-person learning programs).
Funds will be awarded to Jewish community professionals and freelance educators who:
- Work in Jewish organizations of all types, including (but not limited to) youth organizations, Jewish Community Centers (JCCs), synagogues, welfare and cultural organizations, or work as a freelance Jewish educator. The work may be part-time but should be at least 16 hours per week. Or applicants can work as freelance Jewish educators working in the Jewish community, for at least 16 hours per week.
- Are based in a European country. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept applications from the Former Soviet Union outside of the Baltic states.
- Have at least 6 months of experience working professionally in the Jewish community or as a freelance Jewish educator in the Jewish community.
- Within each calendar year applicants may receive funding of up to 2500 USD in total, through one or multiple grants.
- Funds will not be granted for learning opportunities that have already taken place or for those that are already supported in other ways by Yesod’s partner organisations.
We look forward to receiving your application. If you have any questions, please contact info@yesodeurope.eu