North Chicago Think Tank Volunteer Registration Form
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Do you live in the city of North Chicago?
Have you ever lived in the city of North Chicago?
I can participate in North Chicago Think Tank activities as a..
Project Volunteer
Person With Lived Experience
Short Term Team Member
Long Term Team Member
What is your level of availability?
I can only do a one time "act of service" for your org.
I can donate 1-2 hours a month.
I can donate 3-6 hours a month.
I can donate 8 -10 hours a month.
I can donate more than 10 hours a month.
How did you hear about us?
Search Engine
Which of our services are you interested in helping us provide?
Educational Tools For Our Community
Research Important Information For Our Community
Outreach In Our Community
Please let us know you preferred style of activism. (choose all that apply)
I prefer to march and protest when it's appropriate.
I prefer to donate funds to initiatives that help others.
I prefer to research and provide helpful information to organizations.
I prefer to be part of teams that BRAINSTORM & CREATE solutions for common issues.
I prefer to be part of teams that EXECUTE solutions for common issues.
If you were to write or create content for the NCTT, what would you like to write or create content about?
Racism's Historic and Current Impact on Society
Activism & Identity
Food Security
Intellectual Development of Minorities
Land & Global Battle for Resource Sharing
Science, Medicine and White Supremacy
Gender & Modernity
I want to write about a different topic!
Please tell us your motivation for volunteering with the North Chicago Think Tank?
What skills or strengths do you have that can be applied to your experience with the North Chicago Think Tank?
Please use this space to offer feedback or ask any questions you may have. If you have no questions or comments, please just type N/A/.
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