I, the undersigned, do hereby state that on the date indicated, I do grant full and complete permission to RBTCS, its employees or designate, or related or consulting physician to render or give emergency medical aid, care, treatment, or assistance that could or would be deemed required or necessary.
I authorise * RBTCS, to use my personal data (phone number, email address, physical address) both while I am enrolled as a student, and after I graduate and become one of the alumni of RBTCS, for the purpose of contacting me for the reasons listed below:
• to keep me informed of school matters
• to communicate with me about
• to communicate with me things that will minister to my spiritual needs
• to communicate with me concerning fundraising efforts for RBTCS
I have completed this application fully and truthfully, and I understand that all items submitted to RHEMA as part of the application process become the permanent property of RHEMA and will not be returned or copied for applicant's use.