We Serve, God Supplies and Multiplies
In an effort to continue to provide meals and snacks to your child(ren) during these difficult times, Fish and Loaves will be offering a free food program to all of those who would like to participate.
Every two weeks, we will have bags of food, packed with enough food to supplement over the two week period, available for pick up between the hours of 6pm-7pm at the Bridgeport Free Methodist Fellowship Hall on Chestnut Street in Bridgeport. These bi-weekly, Thursday night food distributions will take place until we are able to resume normal school year distributions and will begin on September 24, 2020.
If you would like to participate, please fill out the form below completely. Also, please make sure to provide us with the cell phone number of the person likely to pick up the food bags over the summer. We will be sending out reminder texts prior to each food distribution date.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the volunteers of Fish & Loaves at
fishandloaves7@outlook.com or call 618-554-7297.
I would like my child(ren) to participate in the Fish & Loaves summer program. I understand that I am responsible for picking up the bi-weekly bags between the hours of 6pm-7pm at the Bridgeport Free Methodist Fellowship Hall beginning on Thursday, September 24, 2020.