I understand that I am the owner or authorized representative of the pet listed above. Best Friends Animal Hospital's recommended schedule for heartworm testing has been explained to me. I understand the recommendation that heartworm testing should be performed yearly if I choose not to keep my pet on heartworm prevention once monthly all year long. I understand the recommendation that heartworm testing should be performed every other year if I keep my pet on heartworm prevention every month without missing a dose.
- I understand that it is possible for my pet to get heartworms even if on a monthly preventative. This can be due to inadvertently missing a dose, vomiting of the medication unbeknownst to the owner, inappropriate dosing or rarely, product failure.
- I understand that giving heartworm preventative to an animal that is positive for heartworms may cause serious illness, including death.
- I understand that by not testing according to the recommended schedule, or purchasing products from non-veterinary sources (i.e. the internet); I will void any manufacturer's compensation offered for treatment of heartworm disease.
I hereby waive the recommended heartworm testing and release the doctors and staff of Best Friends Animal Hospital from any and all liability for any reactions that may occur from giving my pet heartworm preventative.