I certify that the answers given by me to the foregoing questions and statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge, and that I have withheld nothing that would, if disclosed, affect this application unfavorably. I acknowledge that misrepresentation or omission of facts called for in this application is cause for my not being hired or my termination at any time without prior notice to me.
I authorize Healthcare Facility to release to other prospective employers of information service bureaus, any information regarding my employment with healthcare Facility or the information set forth in this application or gained by Healthcare Facility from any other companies, agencies, schools or persons named in this application, including information regarding my employment, character, qualification and other information they may have regarding me, whether or not it is in their records. I hereby release Healthcare Facility from all liability for any damage caused by issuing this information to outside individuals.
If employed, I agree as a condition of continued employment to acquaint myself with, and to abide by all Rules, Regulations and Policies as established or amended by Healthcare Facility. However, I understand that any employment is at-will which means that my employment and compensation can be terminated with or without notice at any time, and for any reason other than an illegal reason, at the option of Healthcare Facility or myself. Nothing in this Application of Employment or the regulations and policies of the Healthcare Facility should be construed to constitute a contract of employment between Healthcare Facility and the applicant. I understand that no Healthcare Facility representative, other than the Administrator, in writing, has any authority to enter into an agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to this policy. I understand that my terms and conditions of employment may be changed at any time with or without notice to me.
If I am employed, I further understand and agree that when my employment is terminated for any reason, I must return all of the healthcare Facility's property in my custody, including, but not limited to, any documents, Healthcare Facility equipment, office keys, manuals, identification cards and name badges before I am entitled to final payment of any amounts due me on separation. I also understand that the value of these items, if not returned, along with any monies I might owe Health Facility, may be deducted from my final paycheck; to the extent as allowed by law.