REGARDING: Chiropractic Adjustments, Modalities, and Therapeutic Procedures.
I have been advised that chiropractic care, like all forms of health care, holds certain risks. While the risk are most often very minimal, in rare cases, complications such as sprain/strain injuries, irritation of a disc condition, and although rare, minor fractures, and possible stroke, which occurs at a rate between one instance per one million to one per two million, have been associated with chiropractic adjustments.
Treatment objectives as well as the risks associated with chiropractic adjustments and, all other procedures provided at Innovative Chiropractic have been explained to me to my satisfaction and I have conveyed my understanding of both to the doctor. After careful consideration, I do hereby consent to treatment by any means, method, and or techniques, the doctor deems necessary to treat my condition at any time throughout the entire clinical course of my care.
REGARDING: Payments.
I hereby authorize payment to be made directly to Innovative Chiropractic, for all benefits which may be payable under a healthcare plan or from any other collateral sources. I authorize utilization of this application or copies for the purpose of processing claims and effecting payments, and further acknowledge that this assignment of benefits does not in any way relieve me of payment liability and that I will remain financially responsible to Innovative Chiropractic for any and all services I receive at this office.