I authorize Presbyterian Homes & Family Services, Inc. DBA HumanKind to:
Exchange (share and receive) information with:
Potential and previous employers, other HumanKind program staff, community partners, other area workforce providers as well as county and state funded agencies.
The following information pertaining to myself:
Employment history and income; credit history; child care; school status; and other such documents that are related and/or required in order to provide services.
For the purpose of:
Performing due diligence, as well as the necessary transactions in order to manage your account. We restrict access to this information to only those persons who need to know it in order provide you with products or services and for reporting to funding sources.
I understand that the information may be shared through the following methods:
Verbal phone conversation, electronic mail (email), facsimile. This consent will automatically expire 2 years after service has ended.