Option 1 - The loaded ATM presentation easel binder with the color presentation slides included - price including free shipping: $31.95
Here is what is included:
The ATM Easel Binder
All the color ATM Slides
We will even do your About Me slides when you fill out the following form: http://bit.ly/ABNAboutMe
Your license loaded into a lanyard
Supplemental Section to your ATM in a three ring binder format using more slip sheets
Quote worksheets x 10
Greensheet Form x 10 (for the Your Financial Picture page in the ATM)
ERS Referral Form x 10
I am your life insurance policy to have the client read when your done with your appointment x 10
Info pages
Children's Whole Life rates at a glance
10 Leading Causes of Death
Creamation/Funeral Costs
Government Benefits for Burial
Option 2 - New Agent Package with Loaded ATM included. This package has everything in Option 1 but includes three of Andy Albright's books - price including free shipping: $79.95 click here to review the product