I received notification that my membership is about to expire and would like to renew my card.
Please allow one business day for the renewal process to complete. If you live OUTSIDE of Arnprior, McNab/Braeside or Lanark Highlands and need to pay your non-resident membership fee, please note you can eTransfer the $60 household fee to: library@arnpriorlibrary.ca
First Name
Last Name
Library card number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please provide a scan or photo of your Driver's License or another piece of Photo ID that includes your address. Alternatively, ID and a separate piece of documentation (Mail, receipt etc) that includes your residential address. (If this renewal is for a dependent, please include ID for the parent/guardian)
Browse Files
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Choose a file
Please check all that apply.
Please reset my password to the default (last name, first letter capitalized)
I would like to subscribe to the library's monthly eNewsletter
I would like to learn more about using my card to reserve materials and check my loan history (library staff will be in touch at a later date)
I would like to learn more about free eResources such as movie streaming, eBooks, audio books etc. (library staff will be in touch at a later date)
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Messages for Staff
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