Qualification Criteria
1) Applicant must be a resident of Dane County.
2)The sponsorship must be used to fund a project/event that promotes dairy and dairy products in Dane County.
Application Requirements
1) Complete and submit the application form.
2) Neatness of application will be taken into acocunt.
3) Applications will be reviewed within 45 days of receipt.
Sponsorship Information
1) Up to one (1) sponsorship will be awarded to an applicant/organization per calendar year.
2) Funding will be based on need, volume of requests received and availability of funds.
3) Recipient agrees to file a Final Report within one(1) month of tht completed project/event, photos are appreciated.
Sponsorship Payment
1) If awarded, payment will be made to the applicant/organization by the Dane County Dairy Promotion Committee.
2) If awarded, payment will not be made until the Final Report is received by the Dane County Dairy Promotion Committee.
Questions regarding the application process may be directed to Michelle Keller, secretary, at 608-445-6708.
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