Skymac is committed to resolving complaints that any client, participant, or family member may have. Skymac values each complaint and views it as an opportunity to improve on services to better support our clients.
What do I do if I have a complaint?
- Speak to management or a member of staff to see if you can work out the problem together
- If the issue cannot be dealt with, please complete the form on the next page.
- If you are not able to complete the form yourself, you are welcome to have a staff member, volunteer, friend, community visitor or family member assist you.
Who do I contact if I have a complaint?
- If your complaint is about another resident, please contact a staff member
- About your personal care and support needs, please speak to the manager
- Regarding a staff member, please speak to the manager. If you would feel more comfortable, you can ask your case manager or community visitor to be with you.
Will it be kept confidential?
Yes. However, management will be required to investigate the complaint which may entail contacting people that are involved, but your complaint will be dealt with in a sensitive and timely manner with only those who ‘’need to know’’.
Can I make an anonymous complaint?
Yes. However, this may make it difficult for Skymac to pinpoint the issue, but we will endeavour to resolve it based off the information we receive, including reviewing and implementing any changes deemed necessary.
Will I be asked to leave because I make a complaint?
No. You will not be asked to leave simply because you have made a complaint. Complaints may help to assist management in making improvements to services and conditions. All complaints are treated seriously and will be acted upon immediately. Anyone who makes a complaint is supported throughout the whole process.
How will I know what the outcome is?
You will be kept informed about what is happening with your complaint and where appropriate, you will be involved in each step. If necessary, you can request for a mediator to assist you to resolve the issue. Once a decision has been made, you will be notified on the reasons for the decision.
What if I am unhappy with the decision?
If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you have the right to take your concerns to the NDIS Commission. Skymac will advise you on how you can do this, including supporting and assisting you with the process where appropriate.