, by Guam Football Association ("GFA") and/or any of its affiliate organizations, clubs, representatives, officials, coaches, agents, employees, medical personnel, officers, referees, successors, sponsors and/or assigns to participate in any GFA or its affiliate organizations (herein collectively "GFA Complete") activities, I, for myself and/or the undersigned's child(ren), undersigned's ward, and/or the undersigned's heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, or other person claiming any injury derivative from personal injury to the undersigned, (hereinafter "Releasing Party") do hereby RELEASE and AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, GFA Complete from all claims, demands, actions, judgments, and executions, which the undersigned, ever had, now has, or may acquire through the Releasing Party's participation in GFA Complete activities, for any damages or injuries suffered by any Releasing Party, whether known or unknown, waiving the benefit of any statutory provision preserving any rights unto the Releasing Party, caused by or involving GFA Complete, including, but not limited to, GFA Complete sports or practice activities. In case of an on field injury of other injury producing event, I authorize GFA Complete to render first aid and/or trainsport my child to a hospital or other emergency medical facility for treatment, but reserve the right, if present, to control decisions as to my child after notification to GFA Complete of my presence and desire to exercise such control, and if not present, I request that GFA Complete notify me at the phone number and email address listed in Emergency Contacts. I additionally irrevocably grant to GFA Complete, the ability to use any nonpornographic video imaes of me, my child(ren) or ward, in relation to the participation in the team activities or GFA Complete football activities, in any GFA Complete website and/or other promotional material or activity.