I hereby grant Savannah/Chatham County Court Appointed Special Advocates (the “Organization”) the irrevocable right and permission to use the provided photograph for the Let a Kid be a Kid Campaign.
I understand and agree that the photograph may be placed on the Internet. I also understand and agree that I may be identified by name and/or title in information that might accompany the photograph. I waive the right to approve the final product.
I hereby release, acquit and forever discharge the Organization, its current and former officers and employees from any and all claims, demands, rights, promises, damages and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use or distribution of said photograph, including but not limited to any claims for invasion of privacy, appropriation of likeness or defamation.
I have read and I understand this document. I understand and agree that it is binding on me. I acknowledge that I am eighteen (18) years old or more and that I am the parent or guardian of the child or have obtained permission from the legal guardian for the submission of this photo.