In making this application for enrollment, I/we understand the following is required by Bethel Academy:
- Cooperate fully in the educational purpose and model of Bethel, doing my best to make classical Christian education and the Bethel curriculum effective in the life of my child.
- Have a clear understanding of Bethel's Statement of Faith, even though parents are not required to be professing Christians.
- Cooperate with Bethel's desire to teach all subjects with academic excellence from a Biblical worldview, which is consistent with that Statement of Faith.
- Attempt to promote a spirit of unity within the ministry of the school by not criticizing the school in front of others or my child and resolving problems through the principles of Matthew 18. This means attempting to deal with conflicts first by discussing the issue with the person involved and not others, then moving up the chain of authority in the school, if necessary, until the issue is resolved.
- Fulfill my financial obligations to Bethel Academy on a timely basis, including payment of tuition, activities fees, enrollment fees, club fees, and any other payments required by the due dates communicated. If an extension or payment plan is needed, I will communicate with Bethel administration prior to the payment due date to work out an agreeable arrangement. I understand that I am responsible for payment of a full year of tuition regardless if I remove my student for any reason.
- Support school personnel, programs and activities with prayer, personal example and positive communication, and if possible, serve as a volunteer.
- Nurture habits of punctuality, thoroughness, neatness, honesty, resourcefulness, independent reading and study in my child. I will expect my child to complete all homework daily and to make sure all books and completed homework are returned to the school the following day.
- Immediately inform the administration concerning any of the following occurrences in the life of my child enrolled at Bethel Academy: psychiatric counseling, involvement with the law or juvenile authorities, any prescribed program of behavior-controlling medication, pregnancy or marriage, any use of illegal drugs or alcohol.
The information provided on this application is true to the best of my knowledge and I have not intentionally withheld or misrepresented any pertinent information.