I hereby authorize Servello Orthodontics the use and disclosure of my protected health information as described below:
My protected health information, including individually identifiable information, such as names dates, photographs, X-rays and study models may be used or disclosed for the purpose of lectures, presentations, publications, research and or Practice Marketing without disclosing or identifying individual private information.
My protected health information such as phone/fax numbers, email addresses, home addresses, social security numbers and demographic area will not be used or disclosed for any of the above purposes but only to other health care providers (general dentist, oral surgeon, etc; Third party payers or spouses (insurance companies, etc) in order to obtain payment of your account; Internally to all staff members who have a role in the treatment; to your family who are involved in your treatment and or to other patients and third parties who may overhear or see incidental disclosures about treatment. This includes all past, present and future healthcare information.
Any other uses of disclosures of your protected health information will be made only after obtaining your written authorization, which you have the right to revoke at any time.
I understand that the information used or disclosed under this authorization form may be subject to redisclosure by the person(s) or facility(ies) receiving it and would then no longer be protected by federal regulations. I have the right to refuse to sign this authorization form. If signed, I have the right to revoke this authorization form, in writing at any time. I understand that any action already taken in reliance on this authorization cannot be reversed and my revocation will not affect those actions.