Required Documents:
As per: C-NRPP Quality Control and Quality Assurance Manual for Radon Sampling and Analysis conducted by Radon Measurement Professionals and Laboratories Dec 2018
CC - Calibration: Proof of manufacturer calibration within the past year must be submitted as well.
S/PT Spike or Device Performance Test: You must also submit proof of having passed a device performance test for each device type listed above. Contact Radiation Safety Institute of Canada, National Laboratories, 1-800-263-5803 (option 4),, to schedule your device performance test.
Du – Duplicate Spreadsheet: You must submit proof of completing duplicate tests on devices for two year period. Spreadsheet must include details on total number of test completed per year and relative percent difference on duplicate tests to verify devices are within acceptable region. Sample templates are available by request from the C-NRPP Office.
B – Blank Spreadsheet: You must submit proof of completing blank tests on devices for a two year period. Spreadsheet must include details on total number of tests completed per year and relative percent difference on blank tests to verify devices are within acceptable region.
QA – Quality Assurance Plan: You must submit a current Quality Assurance Plan. Only required if it has been changed since previous application or if a new device was added.