Waiver of Liability
I understand there are risks associated with having artificial eyelashes applied to and/or removed from my existing eyelashes, and that not withstanding the utmost of care in the application or removal of these products, there still exist risks associated with the procedure and product itself, which include, without limitation, eye irritation, eye pain, discomfort, and, in rare cases, blindness even when applied in the usual manner. If I experience any irritation, redness, puffiness, itchiness, an allergic reaction or any other side effect of this procedure, I will contact a medical doctor immediately.
As part of this procedure, I understand that a certain amount of eyelash adhesive material will be used to attach the artificial eyelashes to my existing eyelashes. Even though the eyelash extension artist may apply or remove my eyelash extensions in the usual manner, I understand adhesive material may become dislodged during or after the procedure, which may irritate my eyes or require further follow-up care, at my own expense to prevent damage to my eyes. I also understand there is more than one technique for applying eyelash extensions to my eyelashes, and I will not attribute any liability to the eyelash extension artist as a result of this procedure or the use and care of these lashes.
As part of the removal procedure, I understand that a certain amount of chemical adhesive remover is applied to existing adhesives and a reaction occurs to dissolve the adhesive that results in the thinning of the remover. Even though the eyelash extension artist may apply or remove my eyelash extensions in the usual manner, I understand the liquid remover may seep into my eyes, which may irritate my eyes or require further follow-up care, at my own expense to prevent
damage to my eyes. I also agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the eyelash extension artist from any and all claims, actions, expenses, damages and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys’ fees which might be asserted against her as a result of my having this procedure performed, or my purchase of these eyelash extension
products from her.