You are applying for assistance under the European Commission’s De Minimis Regulation. In case of this particular programme, it must comply with De Minimis state aid regulations (EC regulation 1407/2013).This allows a company to receive up to 200,000 Euros of public aid over a three-year period. To confirm that you are able to receive assistance from the Project, you must declare the full amount of any support you have received over the last 36 months.
Completion of diagnostics is expected to take between 2-5 days. The estimated value of support is £470.52 per day (approximately 6 hours). Therefore, the total value for 12 hour of diagnostic support will be approximately £941.04. The total value in Euro (€) will be based on the European conversion rate at the time of support. The maximum value of the diagnostic support for 5 days (approximately 30 hours) is likely to be £2,352.60. The total value in Euro (€) will be based on the European conversion rate at the time of support.
For long term collaboration projects, the value of support will be up to the value of £789.18 per day. Therefore, the estimated value of state aid accrued for the Long-term collaboration support for maximum of 10 days is approximately £7,891.80. The total value in Euro (€) will be based on the European conversion rate at the time of support.
As per the regulation, this value is calculated by the market value of the support, and not necessarily the actual value of the support provided by the advisor. For further details please visit