This surgical procedure is recommended for re-growth of periodontal attachment around specific sites, teeth or site and will involve: ,
A) Placement of membrane and/or bone graft under the gum for a period of several weeks
During this procedure, the gums will be opened to permit better access to the roots and the eroded bone. Inflamed and infected gum tissue will be removed, and the root surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned. Bone irregularities may be reshaped. Graft material will be placed in the areas of bone loss around the teeth. Various types of graft materials may be used. These materials may include my own bone, synthetic bone substitutes, animal bone material (cow or pig) or bone obtained from tissue banks (human donors Membranes (synthetic or animal (cow or pig may be used with or without graft material, depending on the type of bone defect present. My gum will be sutured back into position over the above materials, and a cast bandage (dressing) may be placed around the teeth. I appreciate the fact that following healing the visible portion of the teeth will be longer and that there will be larger spaces between the teeth. However, more ofthe tooth will be accessible for cleanings and the number and depth of pockets will be reduced. I further understand that the margins of my crown and bridgework (if present) may become exposed and there may be larger spaces beneath my bridgework. If the surgery is being performed on the upper teeth, there may be some compromise in esthetics because of increased tooth length. There is a risk of sensitivity, appearance of longer teeth, mobility and food impaction.
Finally, I understand that the success of periodontal surgery is contingent on performing the surgery before the bone loss is too advanced, excellent oral hygiene and regular maintenance cleanings following surgery. I understand that dental insurance may not reimburse me for the entire fee.