I understand that this surgery has been recommended to decrease pocket depths around my teeth and to improve the relationship of the soft tissue to the underlying supporting bone. I understand that this surgery allows direct visualization of the bone, the root, and the associated pocket thus facilitating removal of bacterial deposits and toxins from the root surface. I understand that some bone recontouring may be required to promote a proper gum-tooth relationship. Following surgery, sensitivity to temperature as well as some tooth mobility is likely, however these are generally of a temporary nature. I appreciate the fact that following healing, the visible portion of the teeth will be longer and that there will be larger spaces between the teeth. However, more of the tooth will be accessible for cleaning and the number and depth of pockets or hiding places for bacteria will be reduced. I further understand that if I have existing crown or bridge work that the margins of these restorations may be exposed by surgery or there may be larger spaces beneath the bridgework. If surgery is being performed on the upper front teeth, there may be some compromise in esthetics because of increased tooth length. Finally, I understand that the success of periodontal surgery is contingent on performing surgery before bone loss is too advanced, excellent oral hygiene, and regular maintenance cleanings following surgery. I understand that dental insurance may not reimburse me the entire surgical fee.