I agree to:
- Trust God by giving Him the authority He deserves in my life.
(Prov. 3:5-6; Rom. 8:9-11; Eph. 5:1, 8-11)
- Trust my leaders by submitting to their authority (Abide or Appeal)
(Rom.13:1; Eph. 6:1, 6-8)
- Show respect and honor to those I work and live with, and to those I serve.
(Rom. 12:10; Eph. 5:21; Eph. 4:29)
- Participate with my whole heart in all scheduled activities such as classes, class work, work duties, worship, intercession times, including possible weekend activities and local outreaches. Leaves of absence need to be approved by your school leader.
(Eph. 6:7; Col. 3:15-17; 4:2-6)
- Be a team player.
(Eph. 4:2-6)
- Be dedicated to the end.
(Gal. 6:9; Heb. 12:1-3; 6:11-12)
- Be teachable, open to evaluation, personal challenge, and feedback.
(Phil. 4:9; Tit. 3:14; Matt.11:29)
- Keep a good attitude.
(Rom. 12:11-16; Phil. 4:4-8; Gal. 6:7)
- Abstain from any use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, illegal drugs, and the abuse of any other substances.
(Eph. 4:17; 5:18)
- Abstain from inappropriate, hyper-physical and/or extra-marital sexual relationships with others.
(Matt.19:4-6, Gen. 2:19-25, 1 Cor. 7:1-7)
- Not initiate any new romantic relationships during the school (lecture and outreach phase), and to be relationally patient and honoring to others by refraining from excessive displays of affection, and excessive exclusive or romantic alone time with others.
(Rom. 12:10, 1 Tim. 4:12, Gen. 29:20)
- Refrain from hateful, demeaning, devaluing, divisive, or malicious behavior, speech, or activity.
(1 John 1:6,2:17-9-17; Eph. 4:31; Prov. 10:12)
- Exercise self-control, appropriateness, accountability, and purity with use of technology.
(Gal. 5:22-25, 1 Cor. 6:12-20)
- Pay my school fees as required. (Lecture fees are due on the first day of lecture phase, outreach fees are due about a month before departing on outreach.)
(Rom 13:7-8)
- Honor my fellow students by keeping my personal living space neat and clean.
(1 Corinthians 14:33, Rom. 12:10)