Amitabha Buddha Dharma Service
各位護法信徒 吉祥:
適逢彌陀聖誕,中美寺將於12/14-12/15 (六、日)於中美寺與萬壽園舉辦彌陀法會,以此功德祝禱人人自心和悅、家庭和順、人我和敬、社會和諧、世界和平,回向過往親人及歷代祖先,同生佛國淨土,蓮品增上。
Dear Dharma Friends:
Fo Guang Shan founder Master Hsing Yun states that the phrase of “Amitabha Buddha” represents immense merits, virtues and brightness which can accomplish all the wonderful things. Master Hsing Yun also states “There are no terms in the world like “Amitabha Buddha”, which is widely used and full of merits and virtues. The term of “Amitabha Buddha” can resolve all of being good, bad, joyful, angry, sorrow and happy.” Chung Mei Buddhist Temple will conduct Amitabha Buddha Service at 10:30 AM on Dec 14th & 15th (Sat-Sun) . The merits will contribute to everyone’s joy, family harmony, mutual respect, community unity and world peace. In addition, merits will be transferred to those relatives who have departed.
Date: 12/14 (Sat) 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
禪淨共修 Chanting Amitabha Buddha’s Name
12/14 (Sun) 10:30 AM - 12:00 AM
禪淨共修 Chanting Amitabha Buddha’s Name
(Chung Mei Temple Main Shine)
12/15 (Sun) 1:30 P. M.
三時繫念 Amitabha Triple Contemplation Service
(Chung Mei Temple Columbarium)