1. I agree that by completing and sending this form I am applying for enrolment into the course/s indicated above.
2. I am aware that AITT only accepts students with a minimum age of 18 years at the commencement of course.
3. I declare that the information provided by me and supporting document submitted with this Application Form is correct and complete. I further declare that any academic results submitted are a complete record of my results. I authorise AITT to seek verification of my academic and professional qualifications and work experience.
4. I undertake to advise the AITT immediately of any changes to the information submitted in this application. I understand giving false or misleading information, including fraudulent documentation, is a serious offence under Australian Law.
5. I declare and understand that if I have withheld any personal information that is substantial to my application or provided any misleading or fraudulent personal information then I forfeit any rights to a refund of monies paid to AITT, and my enrolment will be subsequently cancelled.
6. I confirm that the information supplied in this form in relation to my study plan is true and accurate. I understand that any changes to my study plan may be considered detrimental.
7. I understand that I can access a copy of AITT’s Student Handbook, and course brochures available on www.aitt.edu.au, and have familiarised myself with course requirement and other relevant policies located on the www.aitt.edu.au and agree to be bound by them.
8. I understand that AITT reserves the right to alter any course, admission requirement, fee, or reject this application prior to issuing a Letter of Offer and Enrolment Acceptance Agreement.
9. I understand that information about the payment of tuition fee, enrolment fee and other non-tuition fees will be included in a Letter of Offer and Enrolment Acceptance Agreement that will be issued after my application is successfully assessed by AITT.
10. I understand that to confirm my acceptance in the course/s, I need to read the Enrolment Acceptance Agreement and return with the initial deposit concurrently with, or after signing the agreement. I understand that upon receipt of signed agreement and initial deposit, AITT will issue Confirmation of Enrolment CoE which is also required by the Australian Government department for student visa application.
11. I understand that the course fees tuition and non-tuition are charged in full for each semester. I further understand that I am enrolled for the period for which tuition fees have been paid, and if tuition fees have not been paid, my enrolment can be cancelled at the end of internal appeals process.
12. I understand that it is compulsory to be covered by Overseas Student Health Cover while I am on a student visa including any dependents accompanied in Australia.
13. I understand the importance of the ESOS Framework for international students. I confirm that I can access information about the ESOS Framework from https://internationaleducation.gov.au/regulatory-information/pages/regulatoryinformation.aspx. The Education Services for Overseas Student Act ESOS and regulations set out the legal framework governing delivery of education to overseas students studying in Australia on a student visa.
14. I understand that the information collected in this form will be held by AITT in accordance with its Records Management and Privacy Policy and Procedures, and maybe accessed, used by people employed or engaged by AITT. The information may be made available to Australian government departments and agencies in relation to AITT’s obligations under law including the Education Services to Overseas Students ESOS Act 2000.
15. I understand that I have rights to access and correct my personal information in accordance with privacy legislation and the AITT’s Record Management and Privacy Policy and Procedures.
16. I understand that information collected about me may be shared between the registered provider and the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Protection Services TPS This information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any suspected breach by the student of a student visa condition. In other instances information collected on this form can be disclosed without my consent where authorised or required by law.
17. I understand that I must abide by all course and practical requirements when there is no health and safety risk to myself and bystander. I understand that the request for reasonable adjustment on the course components and assessments will only be granted if the adjustment maintains integrity of the course.
18. I understand that I can access the AITT’s internal and external complaints and appeals processes to resolve any dispute or grievance which I may have. I further understand that this information and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action under various processes, does not affect my rights to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.
19. I consent AITT to collect information from the Australian Government Department about my visa status.
20. I agree that AITT may communicate electronically for all aspects of AITT services, including while sending electronic notices.
I declare that the information I have provided to the best of my knowledge is true and correct.
I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice above.