Ffurflen Gais Miwtini Application Form
Enw / Name
Enw Cyntaf / First Name
Cyfenw / Last Name
Ebost / Email
Rhif Ffon / Phone Number
Cyfeiriad/ Address
Beth ydi eich syniad busnes ? What is your business idea ?
Ydech chi wedi cychwyn yn barod ? Have you started the business ?
Do / Yes
Na/ No
Os ydych wedi ers faint ? If you have since when ?
0-3 mis/mths
6-12 mis/mths
Ydech chi wedi gael cymorth busnes blaenorol ? Have you had previous business support ?
Do / Yes
Naddo / No
Os ydych efo pwy ? If so with who ?
Type a question
Pa gymorth ydych ei angen ? What support would you like ?
Beth ydi eich gweledigaeth i'r busnes ? What is your vision for the business ?
Sut glywsoch chi am y rhaglen ? How did you hear about the programme ?
Ydych chi'n gallu siarad Cymraeg ? Can you speak Welsh ?
Llofnod / SignaturType a questione
Should be Empty: