COVID-19: The Hirer shall comply with all the latest government guidelines relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and shall operate within the guidelines laid down by TANWOOD.
SUPERVISION: The hirer, who must be over the age of 21 years, shall be in charge of, and remain upon, the premises during the whole time that they are open for the period of the hire. CAPACITY: The number of people on the premises shall not exceed 122 persons. PARKING: The three parking bays are for Staff/ hirer at the front of the building, reserved solely for TANWOOD/ hirer. The Car Park at the rear of the Hall is available for all other vehicles in relation to the booking only. All vehicles are parked at the owners’ risk. MEANS OF ESCAPE: All means of exit from the premises must be kept free from obstruction and immediately available for free public exit. The emergency lighting supply illuminating all exit signs will come on in the event of power failure. OUTBREAKS OF FIRE: The Fire Brigade shall be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and details thereof shall be given to TANWOOD School Ltd directly thereafter. DANGEROUS PERFORMANCES: Performances involving danger to the public shall not be given. EXPLOSIVES AND FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES: Highly flammable substances shall not be brought into, or used in any part of the premises. No internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g. polystyrene, cotton wool) shall be erected without the consent of the Management Committee. Candles are not allowed. HEATING: No unauthorised heating appliances shall be used on the premises without the consent of the Management Committee. Portable liquefied propane gas (LPG) heating appliances shall not
DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH: The hirer is required to remove all rubbish produced at the conclusion of the event! This is Strictly abided by please!