Fees will be collected for each day that church facilities are used for non-Journey events or non-core ministry events. These fees are intended to help cover the costs of utilities and maintenance. Fees do not apply to Journey core ministries.
A fee of $150 will be collected for use of the sanctuary, per day.
A fee of $75 each will be collected for use of the lounge or conference room, per day.
A fee of $75 for each occurrence will be collected for use of sound unit and operators (only a Journey-approved sound tech can be used).
A fee of $75 will be collected for use of the kitchen, per day.
A fee of $100 will be collected for use of the gymnasium, with a four hours maximum.
A fee of $100 each will be collected for use of the Lower East Wing or Upper East Wing, per day.
A fee of $50 per room will be collected for all other classrooms or nursery, per day.
A fee of $50 will be collected for using only the foyer.
Fee(s) must be received in the office before your date will be considered firm on the church calendar.