Terms. This Partnership Agreement will begin upon execution. This Agreement will be reviewed annually and updated to incorporate changes and clarification of roles and responsibilities. Any party must provide written notice of change ninety (90) days before the annual termination date or it will be automatically renewed. Otherwise, this Agreement may be terminated in accordance with the section on Termination below.
Termination. Any party may terminate this Agreement for any reason or no reason by giving the other party ninety (90) days prior written notice. The party wishing to terminate this agreement for cause must provide a written intent to terminate notice to the party in breach or default. The notice will provide thirty (30) days for the party in breach or default to respond to said notice with an acceptable plan to cure cause for termination. Termination for cause decisions will be made jointly between agency and the CoC. Note that termination of this Agreement may result in removal from CES and could affect both state and federal funding opportunities for homeless programs, housing and services.
Confidentiality. As a CES Partner and by virtue of entering into this Agreement your agency will have access to certain confidential information. As such, I agree that my agency (including staff, volunteers and board members) will not at any time disclose confidential information and/or material without the consent unless such disclosure is authorized by this Agreement, The CES Policies & Procedures Manual, or required by law. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information shall be considered a material breach of this agreement. At all times client releases will be secured before confidential client information is exchanged. Confidential client information will be handled with the utmost discretion and judgment.
Code of Conduct. CES has adopted the CoC Code of Conduct to guide partners agencies and their staff when participating in the system. The Code contains broad principals reflecting the types of behavior CES expects partners to exhibit towards constituents, other partners, CES governance, funders, employees, peers and the public. This policy does not stand alone, but embodies other ethical standards set by individual agencies, States, funders, and licensures. Rather, it is one element of a broader effort to create and maintain a quality system that gives ethical conduct the highest priority.
Non-discrimination. There shall be no discrimination of any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, age, handicap, ancestry or national origin in the operation of CES. Tribal Nations shall not be required to deny their sovereignty as a requirement or condition of this agreement.
Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect the validity, legality and enforceability of the remainder of the Agreement.
Amendments. This Agreement may be amended only in writing and as authorized by the designated representatives of the respective agencies.