Obtaining a Visa (English Version)
Generally, after sending an application for the chilean visa process, it takes aroung 90 days to be granted. You will need to get a VISA DE RESIDENCIA TEMPORAL, this type of visa can last for up to 2 years, and allows you to apply later to a PERMANENT RESIDENCY. It enables one to be paid from multiple sources and also allows foreigners the flexibility to issue “boletas” (legal document representing a manner of payment) for any other institution other than the one who is contracting them. Because of this, we do not accept any other type of visa.
In order to complete the process, please follow these steps:
1. Visit https://tramites.extranjeria.gob.cl/ for online chilean visa application, option: Solicitud de Residencia Temporal para Extranjeros fuera de Chile. To complete your application please follow these:
Before applying you need to collect some specific documents to complete the process, check the list of the documents HERE.
Among these documents required, the faculty need to issue a notarized work offer letter signed by the Department Chair. To issue this letter, our administrator requires some basic information, please fill out this form so we can have all the required information. The Physics Faculty will send you the offer letter and the other documents, if you specify additional ones, to the address you indicate in this form. Once you have the letter, and the other required documents you can apply for your visa.
2. It is highly recommended to get an apostille for your Ph.D. diploma or University’s certificate in the place of issuing this document (If apostille is not available in your country, please inform yourself in the Chilean consulate about the procedure to legalize documents to be used in Chile); this must be after you actually get the degree (but not necessarily the diploma).
3. If you are coming with dependents, you also must get an apostille for the marriage certificate and birth certificate for your partner and children, respectively (If apostille is not available in your country, please inform yourself in the Chilean consulate about the procedure to legalize documents to be used in Chile). These documents will also be needed to renew your visa.
4. It is mandatory to bring international health insurance with coverage for the firsts months in Chile for you and your dependents. This insurance will cover you until your enrollment in a Chilean health insurance company is completed.
5. Your visa will be granted electronically, you will need to download the "Estampado Electrónico", you have 90 days to enter Chile, presenting all the documents at border control.
6. Once the visa is granted, please make your travel plans and inform us constantly. You also need to arrange your accommodation, the university doesn't offer this service.
After arrival, you need to get your national ID (RUT), you'll need an appointment in one of the offices of Registro Civil in Chile (appointments online at https://www.registrocivil.cl/. )
Once you have your RUT number, you are officially “Chilean”, allowing you to sign your work contract, starting getting paid, register with the tax office, get a bank account/phone/permanent apartment, etcetera
You are responsible for completing the application process for the visa. The Vicerrectory of International Affairs UC and the Faculty will provide the necessary guidance to complete this process. It is mandatory you get your visa before coming to Chile and maintain constant communication regarding the progress of it.
Questions? Schedule a video call HERE
See you in Chile!