TO: Parents
FROM: St. Mary’s RE Office
SUBJECT: Prevention Education Notice / Opt-Out
Date: August 2024
St. Mary’s Church will present a sexual abuse prevention program, Empowering God’s Children – Teaching Safety, to our students on 25 September 2024, with a make-up date of 2 October 2024. This program is provided to us by the Diocese of Charleston and is a part of our ongoing effort to help create and maintain safe environments for all children and youth in our care.
The scheduled lesson is being offered to all students at St. Mary’s Church. As parents, you have the right to choose whether your student participates in the program. We encourage you to read the “overview” and “lesson plan” assigned to your child’s age group to understand exactly what your child will be taught. This can be found by using the link below:
What to view when you go. All lessons are available in Spanish on the website.
1. Founding Principles & Description of the Program
2. Teaching Touching Safety Guide
3. Lesson plans for your family grade level
LINK to Overview
Lesson Plan Materials for Grades K through 2
Lesson Plan Materials for Grades 3 through 5
Lesson Plan Materials for Grades 6 through 8
It is important to note, this is basic prevention education and is in no way to be considered sex education or education on private body parts. Neither of these components fall within our educational mandate to provide your child with the information needed to keep them safe from those who would do them harm.
If you wish to “opt” your child out of the prevention education session, please complete the “opt-out” portion of this form after this page.