Waiver of Claims/Assumption: The undersigned, in consideration of participation in the programs operated by Los Gatos-Saratoga Community Education and Recreation (LGS Recreation), agrees to indemnify and hold harmless LGS Recreation, its Board of Directors, contractors, employees and volunteers, and waive and release LGS Recreation, its Board of Directors, contractors, employees, and volunteers, from any and all liability for any injury or death which may be suffered by the named individual(s) participating in programs operated by LGS Recreation, or arising out of, or in any way connected with participation in such programs. I have read the above application and agreement, and fully understand that I assume all risks for any such injuries or death.
PHOTOGRAPHY RELEASE: I hereby grant permission to include pictures and/or video of me and/or said minor(s) (without the use of names), while participating in LGS Recreation program, for brochures or other publicity, and release the photographer and LGS Recreation from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right I or my minor(s) might have in connection with any reproduction of or use of photographs in which I or my minor(s) appear. LGS Recreation and its photographer will only take photographs and videos in a public setting in which there is not a reasonable expectation of privacy. I understand that neither I nor my minor(s) will-not receive any compensation for the use of such pictures or videos. This Waiver of Claims/Assumption of Risk/Consent applies to future participation in all programs of LGS by all signatories and minors on whose behalf it has been signed.
DIGITAL REGISTRATION: Agreement to Terms: LGS Recreation offers digital registration for the convenience of program participants. I agree that electronically registering for LGS Recreation activities, including clicking the “I agree” button, hereby constitutes a legally binding signature and agreement to all terms and conditions stated herein, and shall have the same binding force and effect as a physical signature.
VIRTUAL CLASSES: Participants of virtual recreation classes acknowledge they are responsible for ensuring their environment is safe/free from obstructions and bear sole responsibility for, and thereby release LGS Recreation from, any liability arising out of use of third-party applications (e.g., Zoom, Instagram, etc.) on their personal devices.
COVID WAIVER: Public Health Requirements Related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19 By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to, or infected by COVID-19 by attending, and/or transporting my children to, LGS Recreation programs, activities, or events, and of the named perils listed below. voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless LGS Recreation, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating to the above-named perils in connection with my child(ren)’s attendance at LGS Recreation programs, including any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of LGS Recreation, its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any LGS Recreation program.