Volunteer Application
Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan appreciates the support of great volunteers who donate their time, talent and treasure to assist our program. Please complete the application below with your information - we will follow up with you to schedule a time to volunteer.
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Driver's License #
Are you over 18 years of age? Yes/No
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Type of Volunteerism
Community Service Court-Ordered
Community Service School Requirement
General Volunteer
Gala Volunteer
Potential Employee
We conduct criminal background checks. Have you been convicted of a crime (anything other than a minor traffic violation) within the last 10 years?
If court-ordered, what is the nature of your offense & is it your first?
How many hours do you need and what date do you need them by?
Are there any felony charges pending against you?
Do you have your own transportation?
Education History
Current Employer
Volunteer History
What personal or professional skills, experiences or resources would you offer to us as a volunteer?
Volunteer Information
How did you find out about Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan?
What do you expect from your volunteer experience?
What kind of time commitment can you make? Please list specific dates & times.
Please list three references complete with phone numbers. They can be from paid employment or volunteer work. Please do not list relatives (unless you are under the age of 18).
Reference #1 Name
Reference #1 Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Reference #2 Name
Reference #2 Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Reference #3 Name
Reference #3 Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Volunteer Consent
I agree to have Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan Wellness Center & Salon verify any information included on my application form; this may be done through a background check. Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan may also conduct additional investigations as indicated. I hereby waive any rights to bring action for defamation, invasion of privacy, or any similar cause against Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts called for is cause for removal from the Volunteer Program.
Volunteer Commitment
I agree to observe the following rules and regulations for the duration of my volunteer work at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan Wellness Center and Salon and after I have ended my association as a volunteer.
Information Sharing Policy
No information regarding specific participants, i.e. names, addresses, etc., is to be divulged by me at any time for any reason except where required by policy and only under the directive of my supervisor. No information that could result in the misuse of Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program is to be divulged by me at any time for any reason.
I acknowledge that I understand and agree to follow the above rules and regulations.
Volunteer Signature
If applicant is under 18 years of age, please provide parent/guardian signature giving permission for child/teen to volunteer with Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan
Parent/Guardian Signature
Should be Empty: