Mindfulness Course Bursary Request
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Which course are you interested in?
Mindfulness for Stress Online
Mindfulness for Health Online
Mindfulness for Stress In Person
Mindfulness for Health In Person
How much would I be able to contribute to the cost of the course?
Feel free to provide us with any information you might feel is helpful for us to know about (optional).
Breathworks CiC and The Breathworks Foundation would like to contact participants of bursaries about their experience on a Breathworks Course for research and marketing e.g testimonials. WLBC will only share email addresses of those who have given us permission to. This is optional.
Yes, I agree for WLBC to share my email address with Breathworks CiC and The Breathworks Foundation.
How did you hear about us?
WLBC Weekly Newsletter
WLBC Website
Social Media (Facebook or Instagram)
Word of Mouth
Walking past the West London Buddhist Centre
I have previously attended an event at the West London Buddhist Centre
If other, please state:
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