Submit to the Creative Aging Resource
GUIDELINES: We seek collaboration from the field in curating links to articles, books, research, audio, films, video, websites, courses, reports, talks, and toolkits related to creative aging. We welcome submissions that chronicle and demonstrate the benefits of creative aging programming; offer access to information about training and funding; provide details about organizations who have successfully sustained creative aging programming. If you are submitting information about a book, please know that we will use a WorldCat link to reference the book on the website. Thank you.
Please select the type of resource you would like to submit.
Please Select
Academic Course
Article and Blog Post (Previously published)
Audio and Podcast
Book and Chapter
Case Study
Columns and Blog
Documentary and Film
Funder Profile
Presentation and Talk
Professional Development Opportunity
Research and Study
Social Media Post
Spotlight Post (Original to the Creative Aging Resource site)
Resource Title (15 words max)
Resource Description/Abstract (150 words max)
First and Last Name(s) of Resource Contributor(s):
Please list all contributors who should be credited on the website.
Name of Organization that Should Be Associated with this Resource:
If there is no organization affiliated with this resource, please write in "None."
Link to Resource (Please provide the complete URL "http://...")
Is this resource only accessible behind a paywall? Will people need to make a purchase in order to access it?
Please provide a publication YEAR for this resource. (If the year is irrelevant, please enter the current year.)
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Organization
If you are not affiliated with a particular organization, please enter "Independent." Thank you.
Your E-mail
I acknowledge that I have permission to submit this resource, and that if the resource submitted does not fit the guidelines, it may not be published on the Creative Aging Resource website.
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