Return Authorization Request
Please enter all of the information requested below to initiate your Return Request. Once received, please allow for 1-2 days before you receive your authorization to return. We truly appreciate your patience while we prepare your return authorization! Thank you!
Please Select
New Return
Please Select
First Name
Last Name
Order Number
Return Reason
Please Select
Ordered Incorrect Product
Product is Damaged/Defective
No Longer Needed
Received Something Different
Other (Explain Below)
Are you returning the entire order? Or just part of the order?
Entire Order
Part of the Order
If you have placed a replacement order please enter the order number below.
NOTE: If you are returning part of the order, please list the SKU (part number) and quantity you are returning. Also, include the serial number if you are needing to return a defective printhead.
Provide SKU (part number) and the quantity to return. Not needed if returning the entire order.
I have read and agree to the return policy.
Enter the message as it's shown
Submit Form
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