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Name of Parent
First Name
Last Name
Parent's Email
Child's first name
Your school name
Which country are you in?
Which level are you telling us about?
Please Select
Nano Duke
Micro Duke
Silver Mini Duke
Gold Mini Duke
Bronze Junior Duke
Silver Junior Duke
Gold Junior Duke
Platinum Junior Duke
Which Nano Duke challenge are you telling us about?
Please Select
Helping out (matching/pairing)
Self care (dressing)
Tidiness (making bed)
Recognition (fruits and foods, etc)
Washing (hands, hair, mirror, etc)
Communication (Phoning a relative?)
Swimming (become more able in water)
Get creative (saw, hammer, nails and screws)
Wild imagination (an hour with a cardboard box)
Reading and Rhyming (find rhyming words?)
Which Micro Duke challenge are you telling us about?
Please Select
Safety (using phone)
Speed dressing
Independence (brushing teeth and putting clothes away)
Exercise (scooting, cycling, etc)
Three skills (skipping, scissors and drawing)
Presentation (wrapping a present)
Helpfulness (putting away shopping and clearing the table)
Being prepared (packing and carrying the school bag)
Memorising (address, name, DOB and parents’ names)
Eco challenge (changing a flower)
Which Silver Mini Duke challenge are you telling us about?
Please Select
Cookery (making toast)
Creation (den building)
Domestic (vacuuming and polishing shoes)
Interest (board game)
Knots (double bow, reef, figure of eight)
Reading (poems, tongue twisters and stories)
Exercise (2 hour walk)
Drama (retelling story from older generation)
Safety (address and how to call on a phone)
Eco (plant bulbs or plants)
My Country (find out about neighbouring countries)
Sustainability (recycle for the house)
Neighbourliness (get to know people living nearby)
My World (national dress)
Which Gold Mini Duke challenge are you telling us about?
Please Select
Cookery (Make lunch)
Creation (build something you can play with)
Domestic Challenge (wash something large like a car or a big window)
Interest (play a strategic, tactical board game)
Music (play happy birthday on an instrument)
Writing (write a letter of thanks)
Exercise Outdoors (Choose, and lead an outdoor activity)
Caring for others (safely make a cup of tea or coffee)
Safety (Learn the safety rules of fire and build one)
Eco Challenge (find out about shoots and plants)
Our World (Read story books about people from other countries and cultures)
Our Future (Make a bee garden)
Taking Responsibility (Pack an overnight bag)
Selflessness (Do kind jobs for your neighbours)
Which Junior Duke (Bronze) challenge are you telling us about?
Please Select
Cookery (baking)
Art (papier-mâché)
Swimming or Mopping
First Aid
Domestic Challenge (washing by hand)
Sport (two hour-long sessions)
Independence (walk ‘for a reason’)
Eco Challenge (reduce electricity use)
Interest (be like a newsreader)
Communication (sign language)
Navigating (map reading)
Thinking of Others (make a poster)
Food miles (calculate food miles)
Flags of the World (draw your country's flag)
Which Junior Duke (Silver) challenge are you telling us about?
Please Select
Swimming or Egg challenge
First Aid
Domestic Challenge (set the table)
Time Management (get up, dressed, fed and out)
Computer Skills (party invitation)
Interest (learn to sew)
Eco Challenge (clear litter)
Cookery (Make a pot of soup)
Drama (story telling)
Body Strength (build strength and fitness)
My Country (scavenger hunt)
Selflessness (be kind to others)
Leaving Footprints (carbon footprint)
Our World (compare countries)
Which Junior Duke (Gold) challenge are you telling us about?
Please Select
Cookery (bake bread)
Budgeting (buy lunch and snack)
Swimming or Washing Dishes
First Aid
Interest (fix a puncture)
Eco Challenge (grow a fruit or vegetable)
Computing Skills (make presentation)
Music (research composer)
Drama (story telling)
Caring for Others (knit a square)
My Country (top ten tourist must-sees)
Taking Responsibility (take charge of tasks)
Our Future (Reduce food waste)
Our World (Create a worldly craft)
Which Junior Duke (Platinum) challenge are you telling us about?
Please Select
Caring for others (community work)
First Aid
Cookery (cook family dinner)
Sport and Body Strength
Domestic Challenge (washing, ironing and bed making)
Averting Disaster (water, power and fire)
Drama (perform or write a play)
Computer Skills (design a webpage)
Happiness (understanding mental health)
Trip Planning (using local public transport)
Other Countries (plan a holiday)
Taking Responsibility (be responsible for a child or animal)
Our Future (use less water)
Our World (plan a celebration)
Please tell us about the pictures or video and the work you are sharing.
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